You are welcome to save, print and share this cartoon for non-commercial purposes that help to conserve wildlife. Sorry, no colour-in this week because I forgot!
Here you'll find free cartoons to share, activity sheets to download, links to events you can join and causes you can help.
Cartoons - Conditions of Use: All cartoons on this page are free to share and reproduce for non-commercial activities that benefit the conservation of wildlife. Please include a link back to this website when you can.
If you'd like a cartoon created for a particular species, project or event please let me know - I'll see what I can do!
You are welcome to save, print and share this cartoon for non-commercial purposes that help to conserve wildlife. Sorry, no colour-in this week because I forgot!
Lots of animals need trees, so planting native trees, and helping them to grow big and strong, is one of the best ways you can Help the Wildworld. Other plants provide food and shelter to animals too, so it doesn’t have to be a tree. You could also plant a shrub, herb, sedge or waterplant, and the Wildworld will be grateful!
How do you find out which plants to plant in your area? If you’re in Brisbane, check out these
Lists of local native plants for Brisbane & free native plants for Brisbane residents . Many other places have guides to local native plants, so do some searching to find out the best native plants to help your local patch of Wildworld.
These two plant nurseries provide a wonderful range of local native plants for Brisbane:
Paten Park Native Nursery
Kumbartcho Native Nursery
You can also
join a Habitat Brisbane group to help look after your local patch of bush
And here’s a free colour-in cartoon for you to save and print:
Sea creatures really don’t like the plastic waste that ends up in their home. You can help by saying ‘no’ to bottled water, and drinking tap water from a reusable bottle instead.
This cartoon can be shared and reproduced from non-commercial purposes that benefit wildlife.
You can also save and print the free colouring page below:
Want to do more about plastic pollution?
Support the Australian Marine Conservation Society by signing a petition, donating and more
Get involved in Clean Up Australia Day February – March 2019
Or make your own cartoon about the Wildworld! Check out this fab free cartooning course for lots of inspiration:
I love cats. But I love birds too. Unfortunately, many pet cats like to kill birds. Cat bells don’t always work. The solution? Keep your cat indoors, and construct an outdoor play pen that they can’t escape from. This will also protect your cat from neighborhood bullies and from being squashed by cars.
And the Wildworld will thank you for it!
This cartoon is free to share and reproduce for non-commercial purposes that benefit wildlife.
Here are some other ways to help backyard birds:
Gardening for birds – Birdlife Australia
Perhaps you can make your own cartoon about helping the Wildworld?